GWP blogspot

This blog is going to be a mix of what I'm up to now, a look back at some of my past favourites, maybe some equipment and technical stuff and whatever else you would like to see...but primarily with a photographic theme.

Plenty of rock...forget the roll.

Hello all!

Well, here we are in 2022. Has anything changed? Yes…and no.

Work on the wall has been a little slower than anticipated. I’ve had an enforced break due to some minor surgery. But I made a re-start and here are a few pics.

The plan I hatched was to dig a sloping trench behind the exposed front face and then collapse the existing wall back into the trench, so I minimised the amount of soil sliding down the hill.

Everything was going according to plan until I hit the boulder. In the interests of stability (and the fact that it would be a hell of an effort to move it) it is staying right where it is and I will work around it. I think everything is going to work out fine.

Glass of beer

The brewing is continuing…this little number is a wheat beer…very refreshing after shovel work on the wall :)

I will keep you posted.

There is potential that I might have more time than expected to continue on the wall. The current Covid situation in Tas has created a bit of havoc. Lots of businesses are either closing, limiting access to their sites, or cancelling events entirely…not conducive to running a photography business.

There is nothing I can do…except go with the flow.

On a positive note, I have managed to get my booster shot earlier than originally planned. Bonus.

And in even more exciting news…I have two new grandbabies arriving this year :)

Well…writing this post has stretched into a second day :)

My old mate Ernie is currently undergoing surgery to sort out why antibiotics aren’t working on an infected wound…suspected foreign object :(

And I have done a bit more on the wall…so here are a few updated pics.

Catch you next time folks.