GWP blogspot

This blog is going to be a mix of what I'm up to now, a look back at some of my past favourites, maybe some equipment and technical stuff and whatever else you would like to see...but primarily with a photographic theme.

Famous for what?

Hi all. I thought this week we would just have a chat…yes I realise it will be a bit one-sided…I talk-you listen (or more correctly, read).

So what will we talk about?

Ok…I’ll start.

Fame. What is and how do you get it…and if you have it, do you really want it…or deserve it?

I guess the most obvious example in Australia is the fame afforded to those who excel at sport. People worship their sporting “heroes”… why? Yes, they have a talent (or series of them) but so do most of you. My wife is very talented at her job but (apart from me) no-one worships the ground she walks on.

So why ? Obviously, the ratio of elite sports people to elite office administrators is a bit one-sided, but the sporting elite still put their pants on one leg at a time. They still eat, drink and go the toilet. They really aren’t that much different from you and I…and seriously…when it comes down to it, they are good at playing games.

The same principle applies to our entertainers.

And then there are those who are famous for being famous. This one I REALLY don’t get.

Magazine covers, entertainment shows and those that pretend to be news-based programs are often dominated by these celebrities and their daily dramas.

Who gives a flying fajita if someone Kardashian’s arse has reduced in size comparable to a small planet because she has been on a “I only eat when Kanye sings without cussing” diet? How did her arse become famous? Why are enough people interested to make it rate?

I just don’t understand! (As I’m writing this I am shouting inside my head…it frustrates the f@*k out of me).

The next category that comes to mind are those that are born to it. Could there be a less logical reason to look up to someone than because of who their parents are/were? Have they ever done anything to make them worthy of our admiration?

The answer to that one is usually no. There are exceptions…Prince Harry (of late) springs to mind. He is also one who has recently admitted that he is one of the “famous” that has quite often wished that he wasn’t.

Some who have been born into privilege use their position and wealth for the benefit of others.

Others are just tossers and believe in their own self-importance.

Rant over.

Ha ha…told you it would be a bit one-sided.

I don’t have any heroes. There are people I admire…but no heroes.

We are all special.

Until next week...