GWP blogspot

This blog is going to be a mix of what I'm up to now, a look back at some of my past favourites, maybe some equipment and technical stuff and whatever else you would like to see...but primarily with a photographic theme.


Hi All…welcome back.

Well the whole film experience has been a bit of a reality check. Way back in 1981, when I started my first job, you could get a film developed and printed overnight for about $7.95. I know, because that was literally my first job…processing and printing other people’s films for a firm called Pro Colour.

Step forward 40 years and my roll of black and white film that I had processed only (no prints or scans) has cost me over $30 (that doesn’t include the purchase price of the film) and taken over three weeks. The lab was pretty efficient but shipping to and fro took forever! This was pretty hard to cope with when I was pretty anxious to see if the old Nettar was functioning correctly and if I could actually work it. I’m happy to say it is a yes on both counts.

A couple of negs on my homemade light box ready to be digitised.

The camera and bellows are still light tight. I need to do some further testing on the accuracy of the focus distance scale as the initial impression I have is that it is a bit out.

I think the focus distance scale may be a bit out.

My exposures were pretty accurate but I did encounter a few issues where I double exposed the same frame. I need to develop a routine where I make sure I don’t cock the shutter until I have advanced the film.

An accidental double exposure.

The long wait for the return of my negs has prompted me to purchase the equipment and chemistry to process my own film…a rewind to days gone by :)

I’ll make sure to keep you updated and I’ll try to be good and blog on the whole process.

Here are a few more images from roll 1.

On a more normal note…I’ve just finished one of my regular favourite shoots, the Paper on Skin wearable paper art competition, filming and gala. It was a fabulous event with some amazing works.

It was great to again be working as part of a team…something I miss from my days at the paper. I will share some images with you in my next blog.

So until then…be nice. Stay safe.