GWP blogspot

This blog is going to be a mix of what I'm up to now, a look back at some of my past favourites, maybe some equipment and technical stuff and whatever else you would like to see...but primarily with a photographic theme.

Dad's Day

Hi All…sorry I missed you last week, there has been a bit going on.

Now don’t say you weren’t warned…

If you don’t want to see pics of my beautiful granddaughter, you should look away now.

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Fathers Day was last Sunday…and what a great way to spend some of it…in my office/studio with Scarlett, Lochie and Taniesha.

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It’s a small space so it felt a bit “cosy” but I think we got some great images…and when it comes down to it…that’s what it’s all about.

Saturday was my floor talk as curator of The Advocate Gift photo exhibition at the Burnie Regional Gallery. It was received very positively, with lots of questions from the floor…so a great result.

Next week I will be on the other side of the country visiting my grandson Hudson… and (of course) his parents, Marten and Danita. Due to the distances involved, I have only met him once before…so I am really looking forward to getting to know him and having a look at a small piece of WA…and of course making images.

You have probably noticed a pretty strong theme in the last couple of posts…no apologies from me…sometimes things have a way of making you realise what’s important…and nothing is more important than family.

Treasure every minute you have with them. Tell them you love them. You never really know how long you have them for.

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Until next week…