GWP blogspot

This blog is going to be a mix of what I'm up to now, a look back at some of my past favourites, maybe some equipment and technical stuff and whatever else you would like to see...but primarily with a photographic theme.

One to go.

Yesterday was my floortalk/slideshow at the Burnie Regional Museum as part of The Advocate Gift exhibition. I think it went pretty well.

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Standing up and speaking in front of a crowd of people is a bit out of my comfort zone (different story if I’m holding a camera). I have another to do at the Burnie Regional Gallery early next month and I think that will be more of a challenge for me as I won’t have the benefit of a slideshow to keep people interested…and a large number of the images I will be talking about aren’t mine!

It’s easier to talk on a subject you are intimately familiar with as opposed to one you have had to research.

On a totally different subject…I was lucky enough to welcome a new granddaughter into the world last week. Scarlett Harper Wells was born on Friday…I’m may be slightly biased…but she is beautiful.

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I’m pretty certain that this won’t be the last pic you see here J.

And on a gear related matter…I have pensioned off my old lighting bag and replaced it with a brand new E-Image rolling studio bag. The beauty of this beast (apart from being on wheels) is that it will comfortably hold my light stands as well as my strobes…meaning I will have one less bag to lug around.

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Catch you next week...